
MAYA練習 #05 萬聖節賀圖

Hi, there!

Done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 終於完成了,雖然大累格!

Software:MAYA2011, Zbrush, Mental Ray, Photoshop




MAYA製作 #04 夏普手機-SH001

Hello, there!

This is my lights setting secne.

Since second year in Japan college school,
software rendering has not been used,
in this teaching software rendering must be used.
and the most is start in software lightings,
can learning more things, I think.

This is done work.

When lights setting intensity is negative number
light's color should be dark for scene,
and colors will be contrasting.

Thank you for your watch:D



Hello there!

This is my teach work to modeling cellphone.

The wireframe in playblast. Some student can't create right edge
and I don't know why. Because another students did right!
So, I don't no why. :(

and this is my graduation production, about a bird robot came to a sand planet,
find the "GREEN" to create new life, new planet and new world.

and I hope you guys will like it. TKS.